Choppington social welfare centre

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Choppington Social Welfare Centre,
Colliery Road,
Scotland Gate,
Choppington Northumberland,
NE62 5SS


On Thurs.19th April 7-9pm Richard Scott is holding a workshop to bring together people who have an interest in joining a Community Choir. Richard Scott is an experienced choir director & arranger, Richard is also a singer/ multi-instrumentalist with the internationally renownd "Grand Union Orchestra"

On Thurs.19th April 7-9pm - All singers are welcome to enrol at the workshop to Form a new adult community choir in our area. The workshop will be suitable for both beginners & experienced, men & women singers.

The workshop will be led by Richard Scott who is an experienced choir director & arranger. Richard is a singer/ multi-instrumentalist with the internationally renowned 'Grand Union Orchestra'. He has also worked with a huge number of other community choirs most recently in East London & has led the 'Sage Gateshead International Jazz Festival' Scratch Choir for the second year.

For more information & to book a place contact tel.: 01670 822028


 Â£4/£3 conc.